LibriVox FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I sync books between multiple devices?
To sync books between multiple devices, open settings inside the app on the original device. Select "Log in with Google" under settings. Follow the instructions to log into your Google account. Then repeat the steps on the new phone. The list of favorites will be synced, along with any purchased books. Bookmarks are currently not synced.
Why does my book cut out partway through a chapter?
When you play a book on your phone, the app must stream it over the internet. Sometimes network problems cause the connection to be interrupted, and result in playback stopping. If you experience this problem frequently, you may want to download books using the "download" feature in order to avoid having your book interrupted.
Why do I receive "Could not complete download" messages?
The most likely cause of this message is that there is not enough space left on your SD card to download a book. You may want to remove old downloads or select another download location. You can remove downloads for individual books or use the "Remove all Downloads" feature in the setting menu.
Where does LibriVox Audio Books store downloaded files?
When you download a book, LibriVox Audio Books will automatically stream from the downloaded file, so there is no need to access it directly. However, if you would like to access the files, the standard download location on Android is /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/biz.bookdesign.librivox/files/Podcasts. It will vary if you have selected a different download location in the settings, and on some device configurations.
Will LibriVox AudioBooks eat up my data plan?
Not unless you want it to. By default, LibriVox AudioBooks will prompt you before streaming a book or downloading a book over your data plan. You can disable this prompt using the settings menu. If you prefer not to use your data plan, you can download books to your device when you are connected to WiFi, and then listen to them any time you want. The only data that LibriVox will use over your data plan will be to load the various lists of books. This happens only when you are actively using the app.
Will LibriVox AudioBooks automatically include new releases as they are prepared?
Yes. New updates are automatically added to the database.
How do I use search?
You can simply type the name you are searching for into the search field (first press the magnifying glass icon.) More advanced search is also possible. For example:
austen emma will return all books and chapters that include the words austen and emma.
author:austen emma will return all books with austen in the author field and emma in any field (note that author: must be lower case)
author:austen title:emma will return all books with austen in the author field and emma in the title field (note that title: must be lower case)
author:austen OR title:emma will return all books that have either austen in the author field or emma in the title field. (note that OR must be upper case) ...and so on.
Can I change where LibriVox AudioBooks stores books on my device?
On Android, downloaded books are stored by default in the "External Storage" location on your phone, which may be an SD card or part of internal memory, as defined by the phone manufacturer. On versions of Android beginning with KitKat, you can select any attached SD card.
Who prepares LibriVox recordings?
LibriVox recordings are prepared by teams of volunteers, and are released into the public domain, so that they may be freely used by anyone. For more information, visit
How do I report a bug in the app?
We are always working to make the app better, and appreciate bug reports. You can e-mail us about the bug, and we will prioritize it and address it.
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